>>8782995He's got one of the weirdest transformation schemes I've ever seen in a Transformer - he has no solid 'core' and basically consists almost entirely of a bunch of panels; he literally turns himself inside-out to transform, but both of his forms are surprisingly stable and sturdy despite this. He's also got two springloaded action features: his beast head can lunge forward and 'peck' at people, and the orange parts of both of his wings can snap forward like scissors against his swords/fingers. His robot head also has a lightpiping feature, though it only really works if you shine the light from directly behind him. The one issue I have with him is that his robot shoulders have limited articulation if transformed fully, but this can be remedies by lowering the silver shoulderspike/wingpiece back down (like I did to his right arm in pic related). He was available in two colors: the gnarly orange/purple one from his original release, and his Universe redeco that is silver and red and vaguely makes him look a bit like Swoop; the original colors version is vastly superior.