>>7416121>She's got Classic dolls that show her stomach.Yet, none of them are allowed to be truly movie accurate. They show a sliver of her stomach, but non of them are allowed to show their belly button anymore. Each year they pull up her pants higher and higher.
>image very related>She shows her stomach on BroadwayI don't care about Broadway since I will never get to see it, unless they release the show onto dvd which they neve will because they never released Beauty and the Beast or The little Mermaid onto dvd.
>LE dolls that show her stomachThat was back in 2015, and they were the last dolls to allow her to show her belly button.
>Figures>Promo art on millions of pieces of random merchandiseIrrelevant. I only care about the dolls, and the dolls have been altered to not show their belly buttons anymore
>image very related>There is no conspiracy or plan to ban stomach-showing Jasmine from the world. Than why did they cover her midriff in the new film. Seems like anything new, and big that features her like a new live action remake will now show show her in a one piece outfit. The dolls will suffer due to this.