>JANUARYSon Gokû (Kid Ver.)
>MARCHGokû Black
>APRILFreeza (Final Form) -Fukkatsu-
>MAYMajin Vegeta [Web exclusive]
>JUNESon Gokû Namek outfit (New version)
>JULYMuten Rôshi
>AUGUSTMajin Buu [Web exclusive (TBC)]
>NO DATEAngel Son Gokû
Gotenks Absorbed Majin Buu
GT Adult Son Gokû
Son Gohan Absorbed Majin Buu
SS Gotenks
SS4 Son Gokû
Previous thread
>>6711800Vote for your favorite toy!
>First round winners: Piccolo, SS(2) kid Gohan, SS Vegeta, Future (SS) Trunks>Secound round winners: Vegeta (Saiyan saga), Freeza, Gokû, Android 18>Third round winners: Broly, Android 16, TN Mexico/SDCC Namek Gokû, Golden Freeza>Fourth round winners: SS Gokû Awakening, Future (SS) Trunks (Premium Color), SS Trunks (Saiyan armor), SDCC Broly>Fifth round winners: SS Vegeta (New), Perfect Cell (Premium Color), (SS) Time Patroller (Xenoverse), Nappa>remember to vote for your favorite TOY (or, if not released, the toy that seems the best to you), not just your favorite character>SS3 Gokû (New) VS. SSG Gokûhttp://www.strawpoll.me/14818957>Shenlong VS. Yumchahttp://www.strawpoll.me/14818968>Tenshinhan VS. Kid Gokûhttp://www.strawpoll.me/14818976>Gokû Black VS. Freeza (Final Form) -Fukkatsu-http://www.strawpoll.me/14818980