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Just finished snapping together GP01Fb. Really enjoyed making the legs and arms of it, the extra side plates and the sort of floating wrist cover were nice to see. I evcen really like the Core Fighter on it. the giant thrusters are very cool both on just the ship and the suit itself. The rifle is nice, and I absolutely adore the beam jitte The shoulders, with he worlds most adorable verniers very much remind me of like, a football player's pads and I really like that look to it. Throw on a bit of asymmetry with the extra antenna and some giant back mounted thrusters and it's easily my favorite Gundam design.
But that shoulder connection to the core fighter is just terrible. I'm very on the fence as to if I want to glue it because I love the Core Fighter, but I also cannot touch the arms or move it's torso without the shoulders popping off. As one of those people that likes to repose my stuff every few weeks or so this would probably get maddening pretty fast.
The fact that I actually lack an action base for him it also something of a problem, space suits should be floating god dammit, but he stands really well, a lot better than I was expecting.