Finally got my Joes in, and I'm completely in love with them. Scarlett is probably the weakest of the bunch so far with her over designed boots, limited elbows, and meh gear (I'm probably gonna ditch the bandolier entirely), but overall it's a super solid line of figures.
My one biggest wish for this line is that future figures have alternate hands for gripping rifles properly. Even if they don't come with realistic guns, a more open hand would be greatly appreciated, because these grips are too tight to stretch around most other gun barrels.
>>8304362>>8304424>>8304431I would absolutely love a Classified version of this Dial Tone. But as others have said, have been a passed down Codename, not an actual "gender bend". It doesn't even need to be some sort of familial relation, as the Code Name is just that, an assigned name to cover your true identity.
>>8304390I feel the same, the gold is just the kind of audacity Cobra Commander would cover himself in. To me, he's that used car salesman who uses flash and glitter to buy loyalty from the worst he can find.
>>8306050They should literally just make a G.I. Joe version of War for Cybertron. A third person cover shooter where you switch characters/factions as the story progresses with various large set piece fights and vehicle battles throughout the campaign. Top it off with a Create-a-Joe feature in a standard online pvp gamemode and throw in some damn co-op missions and you'd have a perfect Joe game. It don't have to be amazing, it don't have to be revolutionary. Just make a solid shooter with tons of lasers and throw a coat of Joe paint on it.