Just moved in a few months ago. It isn't finished yet, but it's getting there.
>>8764643So strange to see the construction and deconstruction of this display over the course of the last year. I wish i had 5k pounds to use towards some nice shelves
>>8764963Nice FF shelf
>>8764970What did you use as a riser in the 2nd shelf? I know the 3rd one is styrofoam, right? Been looking for some cheap makeshift risers myself
>>8765320How is the articulation on the Phycen(sorry if they aren't Phycen, I know little about 1/6) bodies? It looks decent but if you're spoiled by things like SHF and Sentinel, it seems like it could be a bit lacking
>>8766221Jealous of that Scaphoid
>>8768557Perhaps one of the most unique displays in all of /toy/dom