After finishing the tiger I decided to do a little experiment before starting painting the next build (ma.k seapig) using pic related and whatever else related I can find after all the paint posts.
I'm planning a shiny or metallic finish in the seapig, which is something I've never done nor is the usual finish in these kits.
>tfw I can do gritty and weathered build without raising eyebrows but I have the need to ride eternal, shiny and chromeSo, I’m going to buy some spoons and airbrush all paints in the pic on top of the closest thing I have to a shiny black primer which is the satin black primer from citadel.
>Why should we care, faggot?If you ever wondered how the X-11 enamel compares to the acrylic version airbrushed, how does the Vallejo metal medium looks mixed with inks and regular paints airbrushed (had a lot of fun with it hand brushed), how to do color modulation with clear paints or just are bored this might be interesting to see, and you can’t neither stop me :^)
>>6528295No problem anon, most of it was just interesting info snippets to stimulate.
Tamiya airbrushes nicely (as you already know I guess) but their fucking bottles, thinning shenanigans, smell and having to mix made them obsolete to me most of the time. I also got pickier with paints and colors but I guess that comes with trying stuff, in the end you find what works for you but might not be the best for others and that's okay as there's a ton of alternatives nowadays. Try some ammo (can't really say for ak yet) if you can get them cheap and see if you like them as they airbrush nicely too and the best is the colors they have and finish (some are matt, satin or glossy depending of the irl paints), most of the time they'll get covered with varnish but it's a nice touch.
>>6528349I'm ironically enjoying this weird music, thanks anon you gave a new soundtrack for the current build
>>6528376You gonna need to sit still or be sober to take a pic anon