>>6560112>dickwaves his l33tcore training in school by the greatestestestestest (thats how you know they're great) in the industry.Schooling and tutelage is also not a measure of an artist you know. Protip: There's are reason why it is not called Bachelor of Science.
But if you insist, I'll humor you.
Yes, yes I bow down to you. You are ultimate arbiter of what an artist should be and his training should be like. Lowly people like me who never even stepped a foot in college, learned to draw by reading Laohutzi comics and manga and someone like our animation director at the previous work who was just raised in a farm, learned to draw by reading all those thrown away porn mags in a hill are not artist because you say so.
We bow down to your hardcore artist training.
I do sincerly hope though that you get your money's worth out whatever college degree you are taking.
And I do hope that you don't run around in an art related work environment mouthing off that kind of philosophy. You'll get punched in the face and beaten up by hundreds of guys and girls who learned how to draw without formal schooling or even stepping foot inside a live nude sketch session.