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Filmation Hordak's character:
Adora was his favorite (discussed by the toy Hordesmen in "Into Etheria")
Arrogant (tries to treat Snake Mountain as his base after a 19-20 year separation in Ep. 4 "Reunions")
Unwilling to kill Adora's friends (otherwise stupid Bow would have quickly died, also the whole plot of "Flowers for Hordak")
A bully (most of Mantenna's appearances)
Obsequious to Horde Prime, nice to Imp and Prince Zed
Further, can't comprehend good behavior to people outside their family on his or anyone else's part (Ep. 39 "Into the Dark Dimension")
... although there's the strange case of thinking his magic teacher still likes him, when neither was evil when Hordak was a student and Noah his teacher dislikes evil (Ep. 51 "My Friend, My Enemy")
His ambition comes from feeling inadequate in his big brother's shadow (Ep. 49 "For Want of a Horse": if he gifts Swift Wind to him, "I will become his favorite Commander. He will remember me. And who knows? Maybe some day I will become Horde Prime!")
Is Adora's dad, having a decent boss-employee relationship with the nanny who helped raise her (not established until Ep. 77, "The Caregiver", leading to ambiguities like "maybe Shadow Weaver was her mom?" from the pilot)
200X Hordak's character:
Is worshiped in a temple (Larry DiTillio, "The Price of Deceit")
Kills Callix for reporting bad news (Dean Stefan, "The Power of Grayskull")
Roars like an animal when he fights King Grayskull (ibid)
Man, Stefan was such a bad writer.