>>9601551>they're not hardcoded in our dnaIt sorta kinda is.
They've done test with animals and giving them toys that are traditionally male and female. Even though shit like cars and tools are completely foreign and unknowable in their uses to the animals, you still see them gravitating toward the appropiate toy for their sex and using those toys longer.
With humans, it's much more pronounced, because the toys are obviously made for humans and kids see the objects every week.
There's a reason why legos aren't actually that popular with girls, despite companies like LEGO and Mega Bloks creating entire toylines completely in pink, with ponies, mothers, cradles, and other shit girls love.
So theyve tried their absolute hardest to garner attention from girls, yet boy sets completely dominate and the girl lines are constantly being canceled/revamped. Something like 90% of their sales is boys stuff.
Girls just don't like legos and building toys in general.