>>8089229I mostly agree with what you say so let me write your thoughts in a less autistic way.
>2007 as a whole is overrated as fuck>Mahri sets were mostly clones, the exceptions being awkard and out of character (Kongu with two gatlings? Hunched Matoro?)>Barraki were cool but radically different from everything else in Bionicle - both a pro and a con depending on your POV>Titans were a mixed bag, Maxilos was great and Hydraxon was nice for being a powered up Inika clone, the rest was meh - Gadunka was cool on paper but clunky in practice>Mahritoran were kino but the other two Rahi sold as small sets were shit (why the fuck didn't they just release six Mahritoran with recolored Metru masks? Fuck Lego)There it is, anon. If you were baiting it's still fine, 2007 is definitely a year rated way too high for what it actually brought on the table, and it's also true it most probably was the last nail in the coffin when it comes to G1's cancellation (which was indeed decied in the middle of 2008, as confirmed by Greg multiple times).