>>10076831I agree, it's really odd. That's why I really don't collect for TVC or the scale. I think it's great for world building but I just don't have the space or money for it and the Black Series
>>10077277>>10077288I think that would be a great idea for a great idea for a vehicle. I just can't imagine how expensive it would be. I bought the Combat Assault Tank on sale. I couldn't justify buying two 14 dollar figures for the vehicle and the vehicle itself just to make it complete at full retail price. I think I picked it up for 40, and then bought TVC Combat Assault Thank Commander (couldn't find TVC pilot at a reasonable price), picked up the Jedha revolt 4-pack (for the 5 POA pilot) and called it a day. I really love the vehicle but I think a lot of that comes down to me really liking the Combat Assault Tank Commander design and absolutely loving Rogue One