>>9903753>25>I collect all sorts of toys, but that would include action figures, stuffed animals, knick knacks, tiny figurines, Legos, and merely pieces of junk/trash that I turn into toys. Anything can be a toy if it is even enough love and care.>The Reason I collect Toys is because I love to play with them. Always have. I was shamed out of it when I was younger, because my parents wanted me to give up everything I liked so that they could just fill in the blank with grandkids and jobs and religions that I was apart from, isolated and miserable.But I have refound the love of my imagination after learneing many years later that happiness and love were the most important things in life, and playing with my toys was always a way that brought me great joy, having fun, and not worrying about things that society thinks I should do.
To live live on another person's conditions, is life's greatest vice, and it can be averted by simply living for yourself, and embracing the child at heart that I am, mature and kind as an adult, I live on playing and having fun, Every day Is Paradise, like my birthday, playing with toys and my imagination is all I've ever needed to expand upon my joy in life, and of course, I am as happy as I desire to be in the present moment, for contentment there is where happiness resides.