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These ancient guys should by rights be the same price per fig or cheaper than the intercessors. There's not much new work, and except for the banner the amount of accessories and plastic is about the same, it's not a super complicated sculpt, there's no bare head, they've even got one less set of hands than the intercessors. If I didn't have intercessors I might have gone for them all but as it is there is I think I'll just get the standard bearer.
The dreadie is a really hard one, I love the body and legs, the lascannon is cool too even if I would have probably preferred the assault cannon or whatever the minigun looking one is called and the more cathedral looking sides to it. Not feeling the other arm though, the massive rapefist looks goofy and cartoony in a bad way, and just looks really plasticky. the underslung (storm?) bolter looks odd too, like there is just one wide barrel rather than 2, unless that's a different weapon and I'm being stupid. The purity seal looks way too thick as well, but that's an issue with the mini too imho.
Going to be hard to justify a buy, which is a shame because I'd love a non-primaris dread, but not the space wolves ones.