Of course I messed up the decal placement a bit. Should have probably used 110% scale eyes and placed them further apart, but it's really hard to tell until you let it dry and put the hair back. But since I have a sample now I can probably do better with the next two and maybe even redo this one later. It's not like I have any other use for these decals.
Anyway, here's my catgirl, albeit without armor so far.
>>5239237Thanks, I'll make sure to get some next time, though I can't exactly spray in my apartment and it's dusty and cold outside so there's another riddle to solve by then.
>silveringWow, that even has a name. I noticed a tiny bit of it, didn't really know what to do but you have to look really close to see it so I decided to let it be.
>>5239552It's a garage kit, I think Desktop Army is going to be way simpler parts and articulation-wise and I assume it's gonna be pre-built. Also, I don't even think it's out yet.
>>5238896I've always sucked at papercraft so hard
> use thicker paper> can't properly and accurately bend it, turns into a mess> use thinner paper> glue turns it into a messIf anything, vector maths is much easier than working with your hands.