Finished the lips yesterday but was too tired and leveling up the paint layer was a royal pain. Also I fucked up when I touched up the eye area and the oils got in the eyes (again) and ruined the clear shinny look but fuck it. She's passable I think.
>>6622480Yeah max zoom doesn't look very favorable, not that the paint was really sharp neither but that looks incredibly grainy
>>6622531>le clown faceI fear that trying to do the ref pic would end looking like that hahaha
>>6622636More pics on an album anon, if not it's hard to see stuff (if you want show of course)
>>6622727Sage advice and what I should do but I sunk too much work on her that for now I'll let her be. I really love this mini so when I get better I'll strip her and do it again.
Honestly I needed her done along the suit for a groupbuild, I planed to do two suits but no minis and I barely finished one so I need her as a excuse for not delivering.