Preparation edition!
You know what holiday is coming up, right? That's right, Talk Like a Pirate day is September 19th! Get to readyin' landlubbers! Ye've a month or two!
>>5754818June isn't over yet! Remember to take a whirl at one of these June challenges anons:
>Build a minifigure of a Star Wars character that doesn't already have one.>Build a robot command centre. You figure out what it's supposed to be a robot or command them!>Build something that's mostly Lego but uses some third party/off brand pieces.>Build a brick-built wheelchair that looks better than the one in 60134.>Build something based off of another anon's MOC.>Fenimiminismninimism- Give your female figs something BADASS to ride around in! Bonus points for minidolls.>Make a Fighting arena for your two most badass minifigs!>Go to the Lego aisle at Walmart and startle someone>Home Sweet Home - In honor of Captain Rex's AT-TE, rebuild a vehicle into a mobile home for your favorite figs.>June Bride. Set up an impromptu wedding between your sig fig and another fig, or your waifig/husbafig and another. Bonus points for celebrity guests, full musical acts and ultimate points for treating her/him like a princess/prince with a "fairytale wedding" (fancier the better).>share your funny Lego-buying stories