>>6263893A dress down of the doll and what you get. Outside of the outfit there’s not much.
The “Lasso of Truth” is pretty much a useless ring of plastic that Wondy can’t even hold properly. And there’s no spot on the belt to hook the lasso to her hip. Why didn’t they just make the lasso out of some shiny gold rope and be done with it?
The dress is hardly big enough to be a slip, made of only the thinnest printed fabric. Thank goodness Wondy’s got painted on panties! With that short skirt of hers, it would be easy to flash some vag. One neat thing is how the dress is held up over her boobs thanks to the plastic WW emblem. It’s sculpted in a way to grip the top of Wondy’s bosoms, and thus, hold the strapless dress up. The belt does the opposite and hold the dress down at the hips.
Boots are a new sculpt and not remold of the previous BvS limited Wonder Woman doll. The bracers have a noticeable “crack” running through them. It looks awful, but how else are you going to take them on and off with no removable hands ala’ Monster High?