Alrighty everyone welcome back. WonFes came and it brought a few gif for us Polynian lovers! We were shown the design card for the new Poly, Polyinan Kelly, the Amercian Polyce Officer. We were also shown two new recolors in the form of Grey Flesh Yume and Grey Flesh Iana! Seems they went ahead and chose to go with the pink hair on Iana's grey variant. Also, this WonFes included the debut of the completed Alvin Chen as well as Reimu. Daibadi also mentioned that while it's taking a long time to make the new parts, there have been advancements on Peace Clay and Rosa. So, now that it happened, what are you excited for? Who do you want to be next in line for release? Who are you waiting for? Who are you hunting down?
In figure news, Alvin Chen was finally shown off at WonFes, as previously mentioned. We were also shown Collab No.1 Reimu! She Also happens to be up for Pre-Order at the moment so if you want wer make sure you get your order in! Bleuet and the Face Packs are already out and about and now all that we're waiting on are the Motoroid Eye Decals. Also, Vania (Old Uniform Version) is still up for those interested and is set for her September release. Once again, here is the assistance e-mail for those who need it, so if any problem should arise, feel free to contact them over at "user_support@mile-".
Final note, here's the link to the Poly discord. Drop in if you want more Poly goodness or just want to meet some really rad people.
> always, feel free to share your photos and adventures, they add life and some fun to the thread. Also, welcome newcomers, we hope you enjoy your stay.
Last Thread:
>>6999142-Release Schedule-
>Motoroid Eye Decal SetAugust:
>Vania (Old Uniform Version)October-December:
> Reimu