>>11276555Can't. BBTS won't ship mine til Jan. But I just got the heads up that my Horde Prime Troopers are about to come into my PoL. That's it for the year for me.
>>11276606I'm sure we will get Two-Bad before SDCC, and that's when I predict the next batch of vintage will get shown off. If we are lucky, maybe we might see something at NYTF.
As for keeping my interest alive, Sketchbook Series is boosting my interest even if the first two aren't my top picks, just because I want to see more of the weirdos like Skiing Yeti and Brainbug, but I bet the next two will be Vikor and concept Skelly.
And once CC gives me Scorpia and Octavia I'll be happy. If the Fangman rumour is true that's another one I'm happy about. Not much else from CC that interests me until they do Lizardman. Maybe Shokoti and Masque.
As for the other non vintage characters that will keep me going, I still want to see Strobo and Plasmar round out the Lost 88. Add He-ro, Eldor, and Sharella, along with Toxoid and even Fearless Photog since they would have been PoG if they had eventuated back then.
My minicomic wishlist is insanely long, and none of them are as boring as Geldor.
Then, we've got Axel's snakes that are the bane of this board's existence.
And I just saw Missile Toe when looking through to see if I had forgotten any Axel snakes. For every 5 uninspired pieces of shit Axel gives us like Black Wizard and Red Shadow, he comes out with a banger like this.
But honestly, as eager as some of you are to get Vintage complete, having the vintage figures complete while Mantisaur, Monstroid, Fright Fighter, Spydor, Bashasaurus, Blasterhawk and the PoG Dino's not getting done will be a hollow victory. If dragging out vintage means more beasts and vehicles getting done, I am willing to endure.