2007 was unironically shit and today is beloved only by filthy zoomers.
The Mahri were still clones and the only sets that slightly deviated from the norm (Kongu and Matoro) were shit, with Matoro being all of a sudden hunched for no real reason. The Barraki were underarmored but at least their attempt at being different was executed a little bit better than the Mahri - nonetheless they look out of place in Bionicle still to this day, with an organic look that just goes too far. The Titans were a step back from 2006: Gadunka sporting a clunky build different for the sake of being different, Hydraxon having exposed pins for no goddamn valid reason resulting in a deluxe version of a Toa Inika, Lesovikk being a lame attempt at being the Takanuva of that year and finally Karzhani being just a fucking mess saved only by a rare Dark Blue Great Ruru. In the end I'm only sparing Maxilos, an innovative set for once well executed.
The saving grace of 2007 were the small sets. But since Lego fucked up so bad that year, only half of them were actually good: the other half were two shitty Rahi no one even mentioned in the story with a lame build and the same old Rahkshi head.
No wonder Lego decided to end the series in the middle of 2008: 2007 was so fucking bad it killed the franchise as a whole, and I'm so fucking tired of zoomers being now the majority of the fanbase lauding that mediocre year all the time. It did a few things right, really right I'll be honest, but the rest of it was a trainwreck. And I was 12 back then, so you can't even argue I was out of the target audience: my 12 years old self found the year as terrible as I'm finding it now thirteen years later.
Even BZP took a fat shit on 2007 back in the day, just look at this:
https://www.bzpower.info/story.php?ID=3153What a travesty of a year.