>>8047861>I'm just going by what that guy said about how that terrible deodato tracing had anything to do with yamaguchi doing whatever. >Also, your english am shit. I'm too tired to get into the defintions, but here's an example sentence of how you don't understand them words: "inspiration can come from any source." look these words up.Shut the fuck up dog treat breath. You have no place correcting someone when you regularly get so butt flustered you type out gobbledygook and post it before realizing you need to delete the post and redo it.
>It's not an assumption, because he literally did the same shit for the Ultimate Venom figurine and the AY.He's definitely not based off of ultimate Venom. Does Ultimate Venom have the white spider? No. They eyes are also different from the style they are in Ultimate. The figures eyes are too narrow. Honestly I always got the impression his Venom was based on pic related. Much closer than the Ultimate version.