>>7498387>>7498394Esmeralda was hanged on the Gibblet of Montfaucon. (See pic.) Hanging is not a clean, painless death as most people assume. The executioner has to calculate the exact length of the rope for the drop vs. the height & weight of the condemned to get a "painless" neck snap. As seen in the book, this was not the case.
>All at once the man kicked away the ladder abruptly, and Quasimodo, who had not breathed for several moments, beheld the unhappy child dangling at the end of the rope two fathoms above the pavement, with the man squatting on her shoulders. The rope made several gyrations on itself, and Quasimodo beheld horrible convulsions run along the gypsy's body.The executioner "Squatting on her shoulders" was trying to push Esmerelda down so that her neck would snap, ending her suffering. Meanwhile, her brain is dying from lack of oxygen. Body is spasming from lack of oxygen in the lungs. Her eyes burst from the capillaries because the blood in her head is blocked by the crushed carotid arteries. Bowels & bladder voided. Labia engorged, a death orgasm is achieved. (Hanged men get an erection called "Angel Lust".)