>>7001046Is it healthy to feel relentless hate and disgust for a large corporation? I don't know what it is about Disney. For example, a company like EA does nothing for me. Sure they're greedy, they fuck up and kill franchises, but they're basically a meme. Even the mainstream media tells me it's ok to hate EA. Google? Facebook? Yeah sure I guess they're pretty bad. But something about Disney really riles me up. My hands literally start shaking when I think about it. It's just so disgusting. Being a star wars fan, it really puts me in a weird place. It feels like a punishment even though I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't hate the prequels. I liked every aspect of star wars and the eu. Yes, I wanted a microbiotic trilogy. And to just rub it in even further, the media keeps telling me I'm wrong, that everything disgusting that has happened is actually beautiful and a good thing. Why are we here? Just to suffer?