Quoted By:
>Hey All,
>For this long awaited update, I want to assure you all that there is no theft, no running away with money, or trying to scam anyone out of their money. There were some personal and work issues that I had to take care of but now have my time fully devoted to fulfilling these campaign promises, and delivering products that everyone is pleased with.
>The tooling for the skeleton was completed and below is the first test shot that the factory ran. They are doing another couple now with the correct parts (since this one has two of the same lower leg), and are going to be more careful cleaning up the flashing (especially around the ribs and hands). Right after that, they will be mailed to me so that they can be more closely inspected to be sure that the details came through, the parts fit together properly, and it can hold poses well. Notes sent back to the factory will be used to fine tune the tooling. The male figure is going through these same steps but is a bit further behind in the process. All the male blanks will have the relaxed hands and bare feet included since the backerkit amounts raised surpassed those needed numbers. I’ll get an updated time table for a delivery estimate once the tooling is being finalized but as of now, do not have an exact time frame.
>More pictures will be posted along the way, and much more frequent updates. I understand the frustrations that some of you have so if you do want a refund of your pledge, send a message through Kickstarter or via email with your Kickstarter username so the pledge can be found. I’ll spend the remainder of today going through the messages that have been received and reaching out to all who have sent those.
>Thank you,