>>8643137>This is some crazy conspiracy theory shit.Since it's original first, and sadly last release the pale skinned MtM doll has been the most heavily requested doll by fans, yet wave after wave after wave they refuse to release it. The shit just doesn't ad up, and it's pretty obvious they have no desire to release it despite it selling for a shit load of money on the second hand market. You can really tell that it's getting harder, and harder for anons like YOU to defend the blatant favoritism Mattel and most doll companies have for darker skinned dolls when you're basically reduced to falling back on scratching catch phrases like "conspiracy theory" or buzz words like "crazy" or "racist" aka conversation stoppers. A buzz word isn't a proper argument, but you know that.
>"tans were a very in-vogue look in the 90s and early 2000s, so Mattel followed the trends."It's not the 70s, 90s, or early 2000s anymore. Even MGA who loves releasing dolls of color understands that, and will include at least one pale skinned doll in each wave of their popular doll lines. YOU, and Mattel have absolutely no excuse left to justify this shit anymore. What they are doing is more than obvious to anyone who doesn't try to cloud the truth by moving goal posts.