>>9000805Never heard of it. I liked
>>9000834 this explanation. I agree that there are legit concerns with some of the predatory consumeristic practices put on kids at that time (and still today). I'd also say that depending on the kid and parents, there are some toys that it's fine to say: 'No we aren't buying this due to moral reasons'. I think that's fine. We are all different, and although a toy is a toy it can lead to problems too (just like anything). It's good to have discernment as a Christian in hobbies, like toy collecting. Even if you aren't a Christian, I think it's still fine to be discerning based on moral principles. That said I don't se anything particularly wrong with any of the toys presented. If the kid has problems discerning fantasy from reality then I'd say there is a bigger problem at hand than worrying about them trying to become like He-Man.