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Yesterday I got Joy Toy's Strife Roman Republic Legion X Female Centurion.
Took all the armor off because I think it looks too fantastic as opposed to BFS armor. She's got a decent sculpt, not conventionally pretty but not dogfaced like the BFS wife/gf sculpts but noticeably hard for lack of a better term. Like she's been in prison. Her face and muscular body is appropriate for a warrior type figure. The body engineering is a straight rip off of Acid Rain females but my biggest problem with her is that she smells like straight motor oil. Seriously. Like, there's a petroleum "new figure smell" I surely can't be the only one who enjoys but this ain't it. She smells very strongly exactly like what your hands would after you were fucking around under the hood of your car. I also got a WWII Joy Toy guy who smells the same but not as strongly. I swear, if it isn't one thing its the other with Joy Toy. I'm sure she'll grow on me if the smell ever dissipates but for the moment she's stinking up my office.