>>11195843I'm glad I passed up the Volcanicus of these guys - not only are the transformations for some of them a bit weird compared to what we know for the G1 Dinobots and the fact that they literally ahd to invent a new member of the group to justify premolding Gairyu, but that version was missing things that the Dino Force has that now make the combination more cohesive - Rairyu's new rocket launchers become actual feet for Dinoking, while Gairyu's and Yokuryu's 'guns' become sturdier hands with rotating wrists.
While the lack of elbows on 4/6 members of the group kinda annoys me, they all stil manage to exude enough personality to be charming - plus, their new headsculpts are pretty spot-on. Their transformations are fairly simple (as to be expected of Core-class characters), though Rairyu's weird robot legs are taking some getting used to (he doesn't seem to like to balance all that well).