>>6717504>What’s a good Grimlock?Honestly? I've been a TF collector for over 10 years, and I've spent a lot of time mulling over what Grimlock to get for my collection. Ultimately, the best option I settled on was a third party toy, FT-08X Grinder (pic-related). If you're willing to buy a big MP-scaled (14 inches tall) Grimlock for 200 bucks, he's worth every penny, but if you're looking for retail/Generations/TR scaled, your options are very limited. I've heard the PotP Grimlock is actually pretty okay. I saw him in the store today and it was an easy pass, though.
If you're into 3P/KOs, you could try this Voyager-sized upscale of the Grimlock model kit I posted with Slash.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/No-retail-box-L-level-war-with-Crown-Class-V-cable-reximus-prime-Grimlock-figure/152661460563?hash=item238b550653:g:KZ0AAOSwxVpZj5CxThe legends figure I have is pretty good, and I think most of his problems stem from being a model kit. I've seen some reviews of the KO and it certainly looks better than the PotP Voyager if you want a dedicated Grimlock. For 22 bucks, you could do worse.