Think I put actual effort into this, and I'm not happy with how it turned out at all, but that's all the mspaints I did I think
>>8849088>So the nozzles are directly integrated into the toy rather than being parts you swap out.Hm, I don't know. I saw Emgo's review for the filler/upgrade kit for Grapple. Looked a bit expensive even aside from being a Leaf, but it looked swell. Having covered wrists and the nozzle flipping out would be nice, but I personally don't really use it and I'm used to just.. dogshit hollow robots and dogshit hollow life.
>two nozzlesGee Grapple
>Grapple's is a lot more useful, since you can use any 5mm weapon as an attachment for himHm? What would you attach..? I sort of just kept the nozzle aside as a welding tool, but used the 5mm ports as like, some vague forms of cannons. Hm, what'd be good attachments for those ports though? Sieswipe guns?
>tfw Inferno Kreon came with one hand and one nozzle, and ended up having to get it somehow elseHe became Ultra Magnus anyway, should buy another for poor Inferno..
>>8849097>if you can make a good looking or funny drawing with a limited toolset its doesn't matterIt is a very very slow and tedious tool, even stitching Dreamwave bios together tests my patience sometimes.
>And I kind of like the aesthetic of shitty paint drawingsAw! Thank you.
Why hard peepee though
>make the water guy a jetski, to better fit with GunDober, since jetskis are kinda like water motorcycles. Boatercycles if you will.OhhhhhhHHHHHHH
>>8849007Ah, how did I miss you.. aaaaa
A police drill tank..? But the name is too cute to resist. No 3G drills and a kids' show always needs a drill.
>swapping out his eyesAhhhh right right
>I'll have to take pictures eventually but I don't wanna get out my setup rnHuh, what
>I'm not very fun to hang out with but OKYEAH... wait are we already talking