>>85787045'9 is probably the average height for a white male. The average asian is closer to 5'6.
>>85787221. blond hair, blue/green eyes looking aryan as fuck when ascended.
2. noses are pointy like europeans, not smushed.
3. Goku is adopted by asian earthlings.
>>8578733the earthlings on the show with the exception of Bulma and Mr. Satans families are clearly asian.
the Saiyans are extraterrestrial aryans. Saiyan even sounds like aryan. advanced Warrior races. Even the attempt to genocide them is based on real life and current history. Frieza(the jew) uses them to do his dirty work until finally he discards them e because he fears their capability. This is an allegory for how the jew has used the USA(bluepilled saiyans prior to going SS) to do his dirty work while in the end ultimately planning to get rid of/replace them because of their potential to eventually rise up and defeat him. (Hitler and the Nazis, the SS). Eventually Goku(Hitler) makes Frieza(the jew)s nightmare a reality and defeats him as an ascended aryan. Goku is literally Hitler. The Japanese are redpilled more than any other first world nation. its no surprise Toriyama was as well when the countries official stance is still that they were in the right in WW2. My man craftily snuck major redpilling as the basis of his story that would become one of the most popular modern media franchises.