>>8118482>>8118861You guys sound like underagedbans, because you obviously weren't sentient yet to notice the complete dearth of well articulated toys in the Japanese market until McFarlaen started doing insanely well articulated (if randomly) toys in the early-00s.
Nevermind that toys before McFarlane were incredibly simplistically sculpted.
The VAST majority of Japanese collector toys before the early00s (when Toy Biz and McFarlane were actively trying to outdo each other and experiementing with super articulated figures that's become the standard today) were statueshit and figurines. The FEW articulated figures were mostly just cut joints like shitty 90s Playmate figures, like this. See also Kaiyodo's early stuff. Rarely did you see a figure that was better articulated and that was mostly 80s GI Joe level.
I also like how you misread that comic. Even the panel illustrates that he's talking about cheapshit Kenner and early Toy Biz figures when he says they're simple (the panel clearly illustrates that), with McFarlane being later mentioned about being the greatest, inspiring Nightow to want to make his own toyilne for Trigun.
Do you even know who Paganini is?
You grossly underestimate how much influence McFarlane had, considering there are even a bunch of magazines dedicated to his toylines in Japan. Nevermind the fact his stuff was frequently featured in normal toy mags as well.