Quoted By:
>All basketball.
>No variety of football, baseball, hockey, olympic (or god help us, soccer.) figures for the first wave.
>No promised Micheal Jordan to make a big splash.
>No real legacy players at all to draw in the casuals.
>It's the same body painted in different colors and a different head.
>That hunch that the sole white guy is going to be impossible to find while the rest shelfwarm.
>One accessory, the ball.
>No build a figure, or build a court, or some other gimmick to incentivize buying more than one & done.
>Perfect opportunity to do a good Lebron figure to troll on Mattel's shitty Space Jam 2 figures, but Hasbro is too pussy to do so.
>That will be $35. Licensing the NBA, the players likeness, teams and Wilson ain't cheap ya knoe.
The only thing I like is the hoop playset, but only because I want to see my Master Chief figure play some B-ball against Skeletor. I was excited to hear this line announced, but this first wave... Ooof.