>>7736082Long Haul: Big quiet strong guy who is all business.
Rampage: Violet and angry all the time, possibly due to his lack of legs.
Scrapmetal: The small guy who gets abused a lot and forced to do the jobs no one else wants too.
High Tower: Proessing unit got busted in a accident and now he is treated as the teams pet.
Scavenger: Big chummy guy like his brother Demolisher, acts as a big brother to Scrapmetal because they are both excavators.
Mixmaster: the smartest of the bunch, makes up tactics and building schematics.
Scrapper: Team leader, probably has a new yorker accent and is incredibly bossy, the others follow him because Megatron put him in charge.
Overload: Scrapper's inforcer, likes to rip stuff apart with his many limbs, hangs out with Long Haul.