Just finished up on a gardonova girl, having her in hand I feel like she'd be an evil counterpart to Luluce. Damn are the swivels on the frame runner still tight as hell.
>>10069890Not that I know of. I don't pay particular attention to book releases. That having been said, the likelihood of a book with a comprehensive look at all the girls including the chinese kits is highly unlikely given the "moral" stigma a lot of them have.
>>10069964Yeah, her skirt practically paralyzes her hips.
>>10070465Get yourself the beginner Tamiya file set or at least a 2mm round file to adjust the tolerance on the joint, if it feels tight during assembly file it enough that it moves smoothly. Don't ever paint a kit on the runner, especially this one. Gene has nubs right on spots that need paint, all you'd be doing is making more work for yourself.
>>10071022No? I'm not quite sure I understand what your asking, but Tamamo and Nine-Tails are direct upgrades of the ao tooling of Archer and Ninja respectively. The Shadow versions are slightly different in that they include a stand, or a set of msg swords, also respectively.
The base red Archer has spare white parts to make extra bodies to complete the wism girls should you also get a kaede or edelweiss for the spare upper torso joint and shoulders. The others (Ninja and both shadows) include these parts but they are different colors.