>>6990187>>6995544I thought from the thumbnail that it was a mortar round, that's some big ass bomb
>>6990361When doing streaks draw the grime/oil/whatever and let it sit for a while, then with a damp round brush work the sides of the line upwards without touching the middle a lot. This way the middle is more "solid" all the way while the sides and bottom fade realistically
>>7005524I shit you not, I'm practicing sculpting to add them. I left the hatches open for that reason but I don't think that I'll make them good enough. Plan B is getting some 1/35 GuP crews (Kay for sure and the duck team perhaps will be a good base) and modding them, which is """easier""" overall.
Nevertheless one of this days I'll add muh best grills to it one way or another
>>7005538>wanting to pew pew at aircraft from your pimped up LT>insane The absolute lack of ambition in this post.
>>7005584 anon said, after the civil war whatever working tanks left were the main backbone (russian, italian and german) and later on during WWII a few pzIV and assorted stugs where bought from germany but nothing remarkable, except converting a stug into a experimental rocket artillery (pic related, a guy made a model of it too), was done with them. The verdeja I got a SPAT/SPAG variant too in 1945, but it was absolutely outclassed by that time (think fighting late war armor of any main side with a marder II) and was left in a military base grounds as decoration.