>>10811110I get Ninjakon as a cost cutting figure since they already had the Ninjor mold, but to make a unique mold for the Galaxy Megazord and then make the entire second wave MMPR was stupid. Dragonzord should have been in Galaxy's place if they weren't even gonna try to have any diversity in wave 2. Not only is it insanely popular, but to have the original Megazord and not a Dragonzord to pair it with seems wrong to me. Battle Mode from wave 2 doesn't count since it has Megazord components and looks stupid side by side with it. I would have also traded Battle Mode and Mega Tigerzord for Ninja and Shogun Megazord, but those figures were cleary made for cost cutting reasons. Overall it was pretty disappointing that 6 of the 8 figures they released are variants of each other in some way.