>>5856021>>5859234>>5861897>>5861926>>5865856I can't believe you fucking retards are autistic enough to fuck around with clay like a cock-eyed little handicapped child but not autistic enough to flip your images in MSPaint or some shit before you post your hamfisted abortion so we can laugh at your failure. Your rooms always looks like shit too and I swear on the last image I could literally smell the stench of shit and sweat of your room radiating from the very image of it itself.
Just tell me manbabies why are you too stupid to flip your image? Didn't you have a mother to raise you?
God you're so fucking retarded I can't even believe we exist on the same dimensional plane. Fuck you're so stupid. SO FUCKING STUPID. You're fucking degenerate and I think your parents would agree with me here. You want to know how I know that you're a fucking failure, a fucking degenerate, a fucking COCKSUCKER?!
Because you can't fucking take the time to FLIP your god damned disgusting shit fuck images. FUCKING KILL YOURSELVES!