>>6081697Here's the backstory for my Lego world that I had as a kid and developed as an adult when I'm bored daydreaming.
Blacktron I were originally just an very successful organised group of pirates that took over several systems outer systems (think mafia or Yakuza). They ended up being dismantled by the authoritarian and mass surveillance government faction called the Federation. Despite this, they had lasting impact from the criminal sophisticated network they started that led to other splinter pirate factions forming.
As Blacktron fell into memory, the authoritarian and corruption of the Federation grew and people began to question the authority. This led to the emergence of Blacktron II that took up a white suits to appear less intimidating to civilians. A massive war broke out between Blacktron II and Federation, resulting in both factions to fall.
The Federation was replaced with the Alliance which was less authoritarian and constructed from an agreed alliance between governments of various indepedant systems and planets, including some affiliated to Blacktron. Although this was an ideal arrangement for many, some remnant groups of ex-Blacktron members still lingered, who were more aligned with the principles of Blacktron I and opposed the Alliance. I haven't thought much about Blacktron III yet but their colour scheme is more black, lime green, trans lime green, dark bluish grey with bits of red.