Transformers Beast Wars Transmetal Cheetor
I kinda don't remember owning this guy. Not a childhood toy, must have picked him up later in life at some point.
I have to say compared to the other Transmetal toys I've looked at so far Cheetor's chrome has held up remarkably well. It doesn't come of on my fingers or anything.
All of his joints are kind of lose though. Just getting him to stand like this was more effort than it really should have been.
Kitty mode is pretty alright looking. There's something about thicker front half I really like, with its broad shoulders and fat neck. Posability is fine for an early beast former. Front legs rotate at the shoulder and bend at the elbow, the two loosest joints, and the paws are hinged too.
Rear legs are ball jointed and the hip and hinged at the knee, ankle and paw.
The head has a bit of up and down too for some emotion.
>>9471415I was thinking about taking this very picture for anon since Blaster and Metroplex are two of the very few g1 toys I own.