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What a shit day.
Ok, today I received 2 packages, one is a SECOND delta magnus, I don't want it, but I contacted the seller anyway (I only paid for one and I'm a moral fag), still no response and if things don't go well It's going for auction.
The second is pic related, I suspect its a ko red alert, seller said its new, box was fucked in the pictures, I expected damage but what I got is a highly suspect ko.
Anyway the head hatch doesn't close properly, one of the telltale signs, the collectors card differs from all my others (including my suspect g2 sideswipe ko which is actually better quality), the front tires are more loose than a cheer leaders crotch socket preventing him from rolling properly, and the notch that holds the chest down in robot mode isn't shaped correctly preventing that from locking down
I got other pics if anyone wants to help me identify, my plan is to ask the seller *nicely* what my options are, though its not *exactly* like ko checklist are, the tampo of the bull emblem is ok, the "contach" is spelt correctly, though there is some overspray in other sections like on the windows
I was kinda fooled because (aside from box damage) the box didn't have obvious give away signs like poorly printed graphics though its kinda shinier than my other mp boxes.
How would you go about this anons, this seller charged me double the going ko price and its second hand in a damaged box listed as "new", should I ask for my initial $25 back (still more than a ko), discuss sending it back, or should I go for gold and ask for more money?
Because it ain't new (double taped), and the seller didn't specify if its a ko or legit