>>6601059A bit of a change up this time. Our regular Healer and Tank are not available. Luckily, we have other Guildies to pick up the slack. From left to right.
1) Antoinette "Rock" Bison. Female Minotaur Paladin. The great thing about Elder Isekai Online are the race selections, such as Minotaurs and Skeletons. We know Rock Bison's a girl because of the avatar's skirt. Her player is a guy named Holland Stein.
2) Soundwave. Construct Bard/Barbarian multi-class. This axe wielding Bardbarian picks up the slack left by Thriller MJ's unavailability. He's not quite as effective but luckily...
3) CatchyDokiDokiNoWakuWaku. Demi-God Samurai. Luckily, we're not carrying Red Skull this time, instead, we have our resident P2W.
>>6606477Knowing the nature of MMOs, there's probably a whole bunch of fire-attribute mobs in the dungeons, as an indirect nerf to Anti-Venom types.