>>9154458Kingdom Rodimus being disappointing hurts, presumably. If you're asking what's disappointing about the figure, I can only give my opinion:
First and foremost, I think the way the main car and the trailer relate to each other is clumsy. Just compare it to the original Rodimus. That toy has many a fault, but its vehicle mode is a lot more cohesive even if it comes at the cost of the car being incapable of existing independent from it. Even PotP Rodimus, though also very flawed, looks a lot more congruent linked with the trailer in vehicle mode despite the car being entirely separate. So do various 3P figures. Kingdom Rodimus's standalone car is far from bad, but it's not great enough to offset this.
The face sculpt is a bit of a miss for me, too. To be clear, it's still the best official Rodimus Prime out there by a mile. This stuff isn't an outright turn off per se. I like it more than my Captcha, which spells SUHXX. The issue is that it's an $80+ toy. None of the accessories and standard Optimus-style trailer gimmicks justify this. The transformation is more complex, but I'm not sure it does either. If it were just the standalone car sold in the Leader class I'd be game, but as is it's engulfed in $35 of so-so bloat.