Flame looks really impressive to me while Xaaron looks pretty good with the same comic shading and dots but his accessories are what help fill him out.
>>11161217Yeah that is a really cool pic. Those blast effects also come with him? even they look cool in that colour.
>there are some japs getting 2 right hands too>plus his biceps and thighs aren't painted like the box photographythe 2 same hands really suck but I don't mind the pale blue limbs instead of the metallic paint. It looks somewhat off to me and it'd scratch off.
The pale blue accents the rest of the figure nicely actually.
The only hope is that Hasbro would give Starscream the same treatment as Hot Shot and actually pack in his minicon but who knows when that would happen, and idk if I want to be stuck in the middle waiting for it to happen while the exclusive's price shoots up.