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This is what a 400USD Mandarake order looks like when it's almost all P-Bandai shit. Makes me wonder how much I could have gotten if I stuck to cheaper general releases! Glad to have them though, being able to finally catch up on stuff feels good, and this brings my ANIME count up to 15, with only a handful of P-Bandai stuff that I want. Anyway, real short reviews of everything for anyone who's been curious, or gives a shit about my blogpost thoughts.
GM. Almost exactly what I expected, given it's just a retool of the RX-78. Not as white as I expected, but I don't mind. Solid.
GM Cannon. The Cannon doesn't tilt up as far as I'd like, so no matter it's position, if the suit is facing to the right it's head will be obscured. Other than that I love it.
GM Sniper Custom. This thing is fantastic. Typical beam spray gun, as well as a double barrel version, a much smaller beam pistol, the sniper rifle, and a bazooka! So much to choose from. I also like that you can take the visor off, and it has some circle pieces to put in the pegs on the head. Only complaint is that his arm-mounted beam saber falls off very easily.
Zaku Mine Layer. Love it, didn't realize it included an explosion effect as well as another bazooka effect and machine guneffect. He also includes some floating mines that you can attach to a tamashii stand, as you can see in this pic. Biggest problem with him was his wrists. His hands don't stay on very well, and often popped off while posing him.
Zaku Cannon. Honestly a little disappointed. Maybe it's because he has a lot of new molded pieces on him, but he includes no effect parts at all. Nothing for his machine gun, nothing for his cannon, nothing for his missile launcher things. Looks cool, though, but damn.
Gelgoog. This beast is beautiful. I almost didn't want to use the Type-C gear because he looks so cool without them. Makes me wish I got them cheaper on pre-order for a second, but oh well. Still worth the 9k I paid.