>>8616184I doubt they would bring in any super new kits. If the gigantic arms kit is real, then 2-3 year old stuff is more likely.
If I were an old Hobby lobby Exec I think some of the rules might be
>None of the old frame arms girls with exposed crotches or lewd megami devices like archer>Nothing too complicated or expensive like armored core, metal gear, high end zoids and collab megami deviceIf any of these predictions are true, that leaves us with hexa gear, regular frame arms, M.S.G and basic zoids like shield liger. As far as girls go, the WISM soldier MDs seem like the best bet from a marketing standpoint. They have enough of a military/sci-fi theme to them they could get the people building stormtrooper kits interested. (They could throw magical girl
overstock in too because apparently she wasn't lewd enough to sell elsewhere) Frame arms Hatsune Miku would also work because the dragon ball kits sold well too.