>>5274126Yes, because I'm lying about posting my own work here on /toy/ of all places.
Finished the exterior pretty much completely. Used milliput to fill in the numerous gaps. Really unsatisfied with the fit, there were a lot of quite large gaps that I needed to fill in, and the engine cowling pieces did not fit together well at all. As you can see, the engine is completely covered up, shouldn't have even wasted time painting it...
For painting I'm going to first spray it with a layer of Mr. Surfacer 1000 over the entire model, then I'm going to put a layer of Tamiya X-1 black thinned with lacquer thinner to ~20% paint 80% thinner. Once that's done I will let it dry for a day or so, then a layer of AK's Polished Aluminum metal effects. I'm painting it as the "Old Crow" which has an olive drab coat of paint on the top portion, and the bare aluminum on the bottom.