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My biggest problem is the choice to make attack on the upper button instead of the left button. I don't know why they decided to go against every other action game on the market and make that the primary attack button, but it drives me completely mad.
Melee fighting always seems completely worthless in comparison to ranged attacks when fighting more than one enemy on top of you getting knocked out mid-combo with most characters, and non-charged ranged attacks are worse than normal rapidfire range attacks.
The user-made Toy Boxes are one of four things:
Complete garbage.
Shorter than five minutes.
Fifteen part "Stories"
Processor hogs that half the time crash your system.
One of the biggest problems is the grinding of each character. They're basically worthless until you hit around 12 which can take like two hours, EXP farming got patched out in 2.0 and 3.0 has the same problem with it, so you have to sit in the EXP farm for three or four hours to hit 20
The series is alright, and the figures are wonderful while improving with every new figure run, but don't expect a fantastic game out of it. It's passable and improving with every iteration, but if you don't mind that then by all means get it. I don't regret it at all, I just wish there were some imrpovements, that's all.
Here's a quick video I made, this is what a maxed Sabine looks like when fighting on Hard mode. Sorry for the bitrate, it's like 50 seconds long.