>>7907744>>7906175>ignores modeling advice that has been parroted online>WhAt Is PuTtY?>previous idiot above does not know how to use putty>somehow missed the hundreds of tutorials available online>can't tell if anon is really that stupid or trolling>remembers that guy who threw an autistic temper tantrum and threw away all of his models after being slightly frustrated>Truely, /smg/ is peak scale modeling.If you are doing glossy/metallic finish, the primer helps to create a smooth and unified surface. You can polish the primer coat before paint.
Primer also helps in making imperfections (a spot you forgot to fill in, rough spots, etc.) visible before painting. This is to avoid discovering a fuck-up that would require more filling and sanding after you've finished painting a complex camo scheme.
Certain paints require a primer coat to adhere well. You can technically paint without primer, but expect the coat (especially if it is a large surface) to flake off eventually.